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Ear infections are a common minor illness that send many people to visit their GP every year. They cause different symptoms depending on where in the ear the infection is located. Oftentimes, some of its symptoms are misleading, which is why people sometimes ask, “Can ear Infection cause tooth pain?”. Well, the answer is YES. One symptom you may not expect from an ear infection is tooth pain. You can consult with the doctors from Shchatswoodmedicalcentre.com.au to know the root of the problem and get a proper treatment. Meanwhile, keep on reading to save yourself a trip to the dentist and find out how an ear infection can cause tooth pain.

Ear infections may occur in the outer ear, middle ear or inner ear. An outer ear infection affects the visible part of the ear and may look like a rash, while an inner ear infection affects your balance center deep inside the ear and may cause deep ear pain, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Inner ear infections may be serious, and even point to dangerous conditions such as meningitis. A middle ear infection occurs in the area right behind your eardrum. Fluid can collect here and stretch the eardrum, causing pain, difficulty hearing, and a sensation of fullness. You may also have a discharge from your ear. Middle ear infections are the most common culprit for causing tooth pain. can ear infection cause tooth pain

The nerves that supply the middle ear and the teeth are very close together, which means your body may sometimes interpret pain from the one as pain from the other, in the same way that pain from a heart attack may radiate down your arm.

So how do you distinguish between tooth pain from a bad tooth and tooth pain due to an ear infection? It’s important to think of any associated symptoms you might have. Tooth-related tooth pain may be identified by signs such as bad breath, swollen gums, and seeing a loose or broken tooth. Ear-related tooth pain may be accompanied by the symptoms of a middle ear infection: ear discharge, difficulty hearing, and a sensation of fullness in the ear.

Now that answers the question “can ear Infection cause tooth pain”. Starting today, you should think twice before you rush to the dentist for a tooth pain. Although it’ll be the first stop to consider if it couldn’t be down to an ear problem. If you’re unsure, visit your doctor, who will be able to look inside your ear and make sure you’re not harbouring an infection.

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