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Dealing with weak jaw line in the early stages

Dealing with weak jaw line in the early stages

There’s a lot of activities that go on in the mouth hence the need to have a strong and supportive jaw. Unfortunately, not all people get to do certain mouth activities because of a weak jaw line. If your jaw is not strong, it is recommended to undergo a dental treatment. This is done by professionals hence it’s highly important to visit the dentist office when you experience such condition.

Defining a weak chin and jaw line

This can result from weak jawline development or an accidental push on the jaws. Most of the support on the jaw are offered by the jawbone hence they must be properly developed to enjoy a perfect dental structure.

Most of the weak jawlines are likely to lean outwards or inwards due to their unstable position in the dental structure. The effect is likely to extend beyond the dental impact to the facial appearance since it’s a key contributor to facial appearance.

\Weak jaw line treatment process. weak jaw line

The condition is marked with different symptoms making it very easy to notice whenever you have developed a weak jawline. You dentist’s office should be your first stop to make sure the condition is put under the right control or corrected. When the weakness is as a result of accidents, you are likely to experience some pain and discomfort during jaw activities such as chewing.

Extreme cases of weak jawline may require surgery while minor cases can be corrected through dental braces. Patients who have undergone jaw correction without surgery to correct the overbite enjoy the benefits of a quick recovery. You can enjoy the full benefits of the strong jaw after the correction process has been done on the jawline. Different and modern ways to handle jaw bone conditions have made the correction process possible even from home.

Canine Teeth Human Problems

Canine Teeth Human Problems

Canine teeth also referred to as capsids have more conical roots and thicker than the incisors. They are thus more connected to both the lower jaws mandibular and the upper jaws maxillary. Canine among the other teeth have the longest roots and will have a delayed eruption time thus an extended fall out period at the age of around thirteen years.Canine teeth human problems usually occur when the canine is stuck, block or when an eruption is a challenge, thus impairing its functionality. Wisdom teeth are more likely to fall victim of impaction. Although canine wisdom teeth plays an insignificant role in the mouth of a human being, they need treatment in case of problems during impaction. Check this website and see how canine teeth human problems get treated.

Why is the treatment of an impacted canine tooth necessary?

For proper alignment and their functionality. The canine teeth alignment greatly influences the correct alignment of other teeth in the mouth. The other teeth dental function on the dental alignment also determines the smile aesthetic appearance; thus, a missing canine can negatively influence such impacts.

To close the teeth gaps. Since the canine is the last to fall off on the front teeth closing any unwanted gaps, there is very important, especially in the upper teeth. canine teeth human problems

First touch. Biting is a vital mechanism when it comes to food chewing since canine plays a significant role in eating and touches first during chewing when your jaws close, thus enabling the other teeth to place themselves in the correct position.

Leading causes of canine teeth problems in human

Overcrowding. Poor alignment especially of the front teeth can easily result to crowding of the teeth thus the existing teeth will complete for the limited space with the canine thus leaving them with inadequate growth room for their normal function.

Extra teeth. Disruption of the natural eruption is likely to get inhibited, thus blocking the emerging canine teeth.

Up to normal growth. Although under rare cases, in case of too soft gum tissue growing unusual tissues it can lead to delayed impaction.

How to straighten tooth enamel

How to straighten tooth enamel

Tooth enamel is a major tissue that makes up the tooth. It’s actually the strongest part of the human body and it’s the visible part that covers the crown.

A lot of people have a problem with destroyed or enervate enamel. They usually notice that because their teeth become yellowish. That’s because the enamel is normally white and when it’s destroyed, dentin can be seen. Enamel destruction is not something that happens all of a sudden. It’s a pretty long process. That’s why it’s extremely important to notice changes in your teeth and even your gums. Is it possible to straighten tooth enamel? Luckily there are some options:


This is something that’s being done in a dental office. It’s very dangerous if it’s done without a professional. This is a chemical procedure that turns out to be very effective.

Taking Vitamins

If your enamel is being destroyed, among other things, your teeth are missing important vitamins. Calcium, magnesium and vitamin D are extremely important! You must increase the intake of them and your teeth enamel will noticeably get stronger. You are able to find it in food, but a more effective option is to find appropriate pills in a drugstore.

Fluoride Treatment

how to straighten tooth enamelFluoride is very effective when it comes to tooth enamel restoration. Fluoride provides deep teeth cleaning and it affects tooth enamel regenerative. You can find fluoride in different kinds of toothpaste and other dental health products. Even better is to go to your dentist and ask for cleaning with fluoride. It would be more effective.

It’s also very important to detail learn what causes tooth enamel erosion and get advice from your dentist. Teeth are very important and we must take appropriate care for them. Tooth enamel is something that must be preserved. You must take care of what you drink and eat. You also must have good dental care.

Invisalign Cleaning Crystals

Invisalign Cleaning Crystals

Invisalign is a fairly recent innovation when it comes to straightening your teeth, and it avoids most of the drawbacks of having to wear braces. Invisalign solves the problems of debris collection and cuts to the soft tissue in your mouth, commonly experienced with traditional braces. The clear aligner is also removable making it a snap to take off your teeth for easy cleaning.

Invisalign should be worn for 22 hours per day, which means that the system will need proper cleaning and care. Once you start wearing your aligners, you will periodically notice an accumulation of plaque and tartar which needs to be removed. Proper cleaning will avoid staining, unpleasant odors and any unsightly visual debris. Taking some basic steps towards taking care of your aligner will help you keep it fresh and clean.

Invisalign Cleaning Crystals are an effective method of thoroughly cleaning your aligner without any hassle or wasted time. They give your aligner a deep clean and help it stay fresh and look its best.

Follow these basic steps to keep your Invisalign aligner in top shape: 

  • Rinse your aligner under lukewarm running water to get rid of any debris.
  • Using a small and clean cup or the Invisalign cleaning tub, fill it with lukewarm water.
  • invisalign cleaning crystalsAdd a packet of Invisalign cleaning crystals into the cup or the tub.
  • Place your aligner inside the cup or tub making sure that it is fully submerged.
  • Invisalign recommends soaking your aligner for 15 minutes in the cleaning crystal solution.
  • After 15 minutes, remove your aligner and rinse it thoroughly under lukewarm water
  • Taking a soft toothbrush pre-soaked in water, gently scrub the aligner to make sure any leftover debris has been removed.
  • Rinse your aligner one final time and it should be fresh, clean and ready to wear,

Using Invisalign Cleaning Crystals and taking the time to follow these basic steps, will assure your aligner stays fresh, clean and in top shape.

If you’re looking for Invisalign alternatives, you can check out this post about the best invisible aligner brands in the market today.

The best toothpaste for sensitive teeth

The best toothpaste for sensitive teeth

Brushing with the right toothpaste will enhance the health of your teeth in the long run, but the ideal toothpaste for sensitive teeth has the capacity of relieving you from discomforts within a short duration. For dental patients based in Burwood, Dental Spot offers colgate sensitive pro relief. Meanwhile, let’s take a closer look on the cause of teeth sensitivity.

Teeth sensitivity occurs when the pulp is left exposed to temperature changes in the mouth which are as a result of various types of foods. Teeth comprise of a soft, nerve-filled center as well as a layer of dentin which protects the pulp present at this level. Enamel lies over the dentin, which protects the teeth above the gum and also cementum which coats the roots of the tooth below the crown.

The best tooth paste for sensitive teeth should contain the following compounds:

Potassium Nitrate

Potassium nitrate is a compound found in toothpaste for sensitive teeth but it’s not present in regular toothpaste. This Ingredient blocks the passages between the tooth surface and the inner pulp thereby safeguarding the tooth nerves and efficiently desensitizing them to reduce pain. It may take your months when using some sensitivity toothpaste, but when using Colgate Sensitive Prevent and Repair you will notice the difference in just a week or two, this is because it contains potassium nitrate which is a special compound in enhancing tooth health. sensitive teeth tooth paste


The best toothpaste for sensitive teeth should contain fluoride. The main function of the fluoride is to strengthen eroded or weak enamel and hinder the early signs of tooth decay from progressing. There are many kinds of toothpaste which contain fluoride but you have to contact your dentist to find out which toothpastes contain high contents of fluoride to treat tooth sensitivity in general.

Caring for Sensitive Teeth

If your teeth sensitivity is caused by one or more cavities, then your problem can only be fixed by a dentist. But you can cure other causes of tooth sensitivity at the comfort of your home by brushing on a regular basis using a toothpaste for sensitive teeth. By brushing regularly with the right toothpaste you will be able to get rid of discomfort in the long run.