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Families have different dental needs that require various dentistry specialists. For each member, there are general dentists, pediatric dentists, or geriatric dentists. Yet, one common ground connects each person’s reason for oral healthcare. A dental emergency requires urgent care since any neglected toothache may lead to other adverse health conditions. In this regard, the experience of this dentist at Bondi Dental shows that patients who visited an emergency dentist can avoid gum diseases. So, as an adult, you have an immense concern about your emergency dental problems, should children. Children’s emergency dentist may provide better procedures to ensure your children’s healthy teeth and gums. 


Reasons To Visit Children’s Emergency Dentist

Dental clinics offer services at regular hours of the day. Offices usually run from 9 AM to 5 PM, but an emergency dental clinic can provide treatment even after hours. The reason being, dental problems like severe toothaches or knocked-out teeth may happen at night. So, if your child is feeling pain, clenches their gums, or had an accident in the middle of their sleep, don’t dilly-dally. 

Any symptoms included below can happen any day. For parents that want fast treatment for their children’s oral health, visit an emergency dentist immediately


For Early Signs Of Tooth Decay

Cracked or chipped teeth may happen due to any reason. Cavities cause most cases that need children’s emergency dentist. Food and beverages may start causing a cavity on a child’s tooth surface. If you’re not mindful of what your kids eat or manage their diet plan daily, they may suffer from the side – effects. 


Plaque and Tartar Buildup That Leads To Bleeding

Childrens Emergency Dentist

Substances that get stuck in the gum line often have consequences that can affect a person’s soft tissues. If you don’t get rid of hardened plaque and tartar, you may end up having symptoms of bleeding, swelling, pus, or even lesions in the roof of your mouth. 

Children must have the same type of dental care to prevent gingivitis episodes or periodontitis later as they grow. However, there are fewer cases of gingival conditions than cavities and caries for kids. 

A pediatric dentistry specialist can offer treatment before it’s too late to visit the children’s emergency dentist. So, for every sign of cavities, tartar, or redness in gums, schedule an appointment with a pediatric dentist regularly. 


Knocked-Out Tooth

Toddlers and children that love playing with their peers may experience accidents or injuries during school or sports activities. A dental appliance such as a mouthguard can protect their teeth and lessen the chances of having a knocked-out tooth. If you want to know more about the procedure for getting dental mouthguards, research about the benefits of wearing a mouthpiece. 


Objects On Children’s Teeth

Accidents may also concern foreign objects getting stuck on your children’s teeth. Sometimes toddlers or young children that are teething eat anything they touch. For emergencies that involve orthodontic appliances such as broken wires or brackets, it may be best to get an emergency orthodontist instead. 


Fallen Baby Tooth

At ages seven and above, children may start having permanent tooth eruption. That means children will start losing baby teeth. Frequent tooth loss is prominent from this natural oral and maxillofacial development. Yet, please remind your child to brush their teeth at least twice a day to prevent tooth decay or abscess. It is better to avoid early falling teeth to avoid gingivitis or other severe complications in their oral cavity. 


Other Reasons For Severe Toothaches

Gum diseases may start in teens and young adults. Having a missing tooth for months can create a bacterial infection that will spread not just as gingivitis but also in severe inflammation. Periodontitis may not be prevalent for kids’ oral diseases, but don’t disclose the possibility of acquiring severe gum disease forms. 

On the contrary, congenital disabilities that concern the jaw or disorders resulting from major accidents such as temporomandibular joint diseases may require immediate dental care. Chronic conditions in a person’s oral health care may require consistent dentist’s appointment.


How To Treat Dental Emergencies At Home 

Children may need urgent dental care to save their teeth and gums before going to a dentist. Parents must know to treat dental emergencies at home to ensure that bacterial infection won’t start. Noninvasive procedures will be enough to manage your child’s teeth. Here are some tips that we recommend parents do first prior to visiting the children’s emergency dentist. 


  • Use Cold Compress To Relieve Swelling And Inflammation

Why do gums swell and get inflamed after an accident or trauma? According to experts, soft tissues in the gum may react to food debris or any mild form of gingivitis from bacteria. As a first-aid response, parents can use a cold compress on their child’s cheeks or the area where the emergency is present. The cold compress can slow down blood flow to the swollen gum tissue. 


  • OTC And Prescription Medicines

Pain relief is available as over-the-counter medicines to stop recurring pain for toothaches and gum clenching. There are kid-friendly OTC drugs or prescription medicines that a general dentist may provide for your child. NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like Ibuprofen, Aspirin, and Naproxen are famous for preventing pain and inflammation. You may also have to inquire about safe medicines for children with previous medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, or rare health conditions.


  • What To Do For Knocked-Out Tooth

Accidents and injuries that come from sports or falling can knock out teeth easily. But check if your child has dark pink or red gums and any signs of bleeding. You may save your child’s tooth by rinsing the tooth clean and putting it in a cup of milk. Go to your child’s emergency care center to help attach the tooth back. 


  • Cold or Canker Sores

Causes Childrens Emergency Dentist

Cold sore is a viral infection, while canker sores have unknown causes. Yet, children can get both sores that look are present on the lips, under the tongue, cheeks or chin, and base of the gums. Sores are often red or white spots and make it difficult for a child to eat, speak, talk, or drink. You can treat sores with cold water, ice compress, or frozen juices. However, cold sores that are viral infections may require urgent care from an emergency dental clinic. 


If Problems Linger For More Than 48 Hours, Visit An Emergency Dentist

Ongoing problems from a previous dental concern may not have lasting treatments that parents can do at home. Children with horrible breath and recurring blood loss for more than 24 to 48 hours, go to the children’s emergency dentist right away. These symptoms are risky signs that your child is suffering from possible gum disease. So, if you see any of the problems during an emergency time, go to a dental office soon. 

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