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Canine teeth also referred to as capsids have more conical roots and thicker than the incisors. They are thus more connected to both the lower jaws mandibular and the upper jaws maxillary. Canine among the other teeth have the longest roots and will have a delayed eruption time thus an extended fall out period at the age of around thirteen years.Canine teeth human problems usually occur when the canine is stuck, block or when an eruption is a challenge, thus impairing its functionality. Wisdom teeth are more likely to fall victim of impaction. Although canine wisdom teeth plays an insignificant role in the mouth of a human being, they need treatment in case of problems during impaction. Check this website and see how canine teeth human problems get treated.
Why is the treatment of an impacted canine tooth necessary?
For proper alignment and their functionality. The canine teeth alignment greatly influences the correct alignment of other teeth in the mouth. The other teeth dental function on the dental alignment also determines the smile aesthetic appearance; thus, a missing canine can negatively influence such impacts.
To close the teeth gaps. Since the canine is the last to fall off on the front teeth closing any unwanted gaps, there is very important, especially in the upper teeth.
First touch. Biting is a vital mechanism when it comes to food chewing since canine plays a significant role in eating and touches first during chewing when your jaws close, thus enabling the other teeth to place themselves in the correct position.
Leading causes of canine teeth problems in human
Overcrowding. Poor alignment especially of the front teeth can easily result to crowding of the teeth thus the existing teeth will complete for the limited space with the canine thus leaving them with inadequate growth room for their normal function.
Extra teeth. Disruption of the natural eruption is likely to get inhibited, thus blocking the emerging canine teeth.
Up to normal growth. Although under rare cases, in case of too soft gum tissue growing unusual tissues it can lead to delayed impaction.